Making Life Better Through Food

Making Life Better Every Day through Healthier and Relevant  Food Solutions

Our purpose is to change the way people live by changing how they eat, by that we make life better through food. We believe in the role nutrition plays in our collective wellbeing. Our focus is therefore on developing healthier and relevant food solutions with care and integrity.

It is our firm conviction that a better life can be achieved when we consciously choose healthier and relevant food options.

Balancing the desire to make life better through food with a relentless commitment to ethical business practices is our way of establishing mutually beneficial outcomes for our customers, partners, associates and the wider society.

Our Evolution

Our journey began from a spandrel in Mamprobi, a suburb of Accra in Ghana. The vision was clear from day one to build a Pan African Diversified Food Company with far reaching capabilities to change the way people live through food.

What We Do

We are about making life better every day.

We are a Diversified Food Company focused on delivering wholesome (healthier and natural) food consistently and sustainably.


Our Business Philosophy

“The order by which things are done is as important as the things we actually do”.

We look at food broadly through the lenses of the wider societys’ nutritional and lifestyle needs. We continuously look out for opportunities across the food value chain and build capabilities for effective action towards offering healthier options.


We Manage our Business to create Value for the future. Today was yesterday’s future. Tomorrow is today’s future.

Our Business is Managed to create long term sustainable value to the Consuming Public, our Associates and Society.