Huga Tealeys

Moringa Tea

Moringa leaves ( the part used for our tea) are highly nutritious and packed with important vitamins and minerals. As an antioxidant, Moringa helps protect cells from damage , may reduce the risk of many diseases and help with weight loss.
It has a slightly rich flavor and grassy undertones.

Lemongrass Tea

Lemongrass tea is not just soothing but offers wonderful health benefits . It is also a great source of antioxidants and rich in vitamins and minerals . Studies show that lemongrass helps to keep sugar and cholesterol levels under control as well as treat ailments such as fever , indigestion , stress , pain and anxiety issues.
It is citrusy with a lemony flavor and tastes almost like a mix of lemon and lemon mint without the bitterness of lemon.

Hibiscus/Bissap Tea

Hibiscus helps to boost your immune system and may help to prevent cell damage caused by free radicals in the body . It also contains antioxidants and could help lower blood pressure , fight bacteria and promote weight loss . It has a tart flavor similar to that of cranberries and can be enjoyed both hot and cold. This is what we call Sobolo in Ghana when cold. Simply brew, chill, add sugar or honey to your desired taste and enjoy your home made Sobolo. It’s great when hot too.

The freedom to live is the hallmark to living a fulfilling life . Our tea selections are made only from natural ingredients produced from our own farms in Ghana. Relax and give yourself a pleasure of drinking to life any day , any where and any time.

Huga Quench

Moringa Quench

Moringa leaves ( the part used for our tea) are highly nutritious and packed with important vitamins and minerals. As an antioxidant, Moringa helps protect cells from damage , may reduce the risk of many diseases and help with weight loss.
It has a slightly rich flavor and grassy undertones.

Prekese Quench

Pr3k3s3 is a shiny, glamorous, dark purple-brown fruit with a slightly sweet ,stringent taste and a profound flavor.

Lemongrass Quench

Lemongrass tea is not just soothing but offers wonderful health benefits . It is also a great source of antioxidants and rich in vitamins and minerals . Studies show that lemongrass helps to keep sugar and cholesterol where to buy steriods online levels under control as well as treat ailments such as fever , indigestion , stress , pain and anxiety issues .
It is citrusy with a lemony flavor and tastes almost like a mix of lemon and lemon mint without the bitterness of lemon.

Hibiscus/Bissap Quench

Hibiscus helps to boost your immune system and may help to prevent cell damage caused by free radicals in the body . It also contains antioxidants and could help lower blood pressure , fight bacteria and promote weight loss . It has a tart flavor similar to that of cranberries and can be enjoyed both hot and cold.

This is what we call Sobolo in Ghana when cold. Simply brew, chill, add sugar or honey to your desired taste and enjoy your home made Sobolo. It’s great when hot too.